Hobart Accommodation In TAS Leads Cultural Trip Ripe with History and Myths

This post details the history and myths that surround Hobart Accommodation in TAS, (Tasmania Australia).

Harbor and ferry cruise

Traveling to Australia, especially the southernmost point in Hobart, Tasmania, is a significant cultural experience rich with aboriginal ancestry, inhabitants from Torres Strait Island, and an indigenous population accounting for nearly 3% of the overall national total.

The historic city is the second oldest in Australia “born” in the 19th century, with some of its oldest architecture and “firsts” found here.

Aside from significant historical events in Hobart, Tasmania’s most popular tourist destinations are its casino hotels one of which is Wrest Point TAS, the first casino ever developed in Australia.

The hotels and casinos in the city, are sought out for their prime accommodations and for having some of the best restaurants.

You’ll also find in the quaint capital people who went on to accomplish celebrity in their semblance. One of those was Errol Flynn, the famous 20th-century film star from Hollywood. Also, Ms. Mary Donaldson, Denmark’s Crown Princess, and Elizabeth Blackburn, Professor and Nobel Prize winner.

The suggestion is to set at least an itinerary of 6-7 days to see the primary sites. But if you want to see everything, you’ll need to visit a few times.

green park in Hobart Australia

Myths Come With The Hobart, Tasmania, History

As stories pass from one person to another, the versions change, and ultimately the facts fade into tales without merit. There are things you need to pay attention to when traveling to the countryside of Tasmania, particularly with the wildlife that’s not what most tourists would run into in their home country.

Many of the creatures found in the outback can prove deadly if threatened or scared. Plus, the landscape, the beach fronts, and the oceans need to be maneuvered thoughtfully and with adequate gear in case. But some things you hear are merely untrue, as these myths:

Hobart Has No Surf Beaches

Clifton Beach is only one of a few quality beaches surfers will find just east of Hobart, as are Rebounds and May’s Point. Shipstern Bluff, the infamous big-wave break, can be located on the Tasman Peninsula for those surfing enthusiasts who will also come to know it as “Devil’s Point.”

Boats lined up in Hobart Australia

Claims suggest this shallow reef can hold what equals nearly 30 Olympic-size pools of water with waves as high as six meters. That means you should have a vital skill before you attempt these waters with your board. Any amateurs might want to pass on or merely observe at this site.

The Temperature Is Always Cold In Tasmania’s Capital

You might witness some snow when seeing the sites from Mount Wellington/Kunanyi on a winter’s day (or night) in the southern city when the weather is chilly, which most locals use as a reason to enjoy a cup of mulled wine.

But in the warm months of summertime, it is not unusual for the temperatures to soar with an occasional climb above 40 degrees Celsius. Some say they believe that the ozone layer disappeared above the southernmost state.

Although the popular opinion is that there is a “hole in the atmosphere” creating greater exposure to the capital for significantly higher levels of harsh ultraviolet rays, the “Meteorology Bureau” insists that (quote) “the observation has only been made well south of… Tasmania.”

The suggestion is that the sun’s intensity is most likely stronger because of the diminished pollution there. The recommendation is to safeguard when visiting using adequate sun protection.

There Is Still A Tasmanian Tiger

Nearly 80 years ago, “thylacine,” or the Tasmanian tiger, went into extinction. For the most part, the animal was a victim of hunters, with the last known living creature dying in captivity in the year 1936. Claims indicate there is no “verifiable evidence” of the marsupial still walking the island.

While the Wildlife Service and the Tasmanian National Park declare the tiger is “probably extinct,” not all authorities are willing to give up on the possibility of some living.

Moderan buliding in Hobart australia

Everything About The Capital Is “Old”

Hobart might be the second oldest city in Australia, but it doesn’t solely depend on heritage for its attraction. It is the first city in Australia to house a casino with the Wrest Point casino and hotel.

Go to https://architectureau.com/articles/australias-first-legal-casino-designed-by-roy-grounds-added-to-heritage-register/ to learn about Australia’s early casino architecture. The capital also offers a groundbreaking museum in “Mona” – the Museum of Old and New Art.

The nightlife is consistent with a flurry of new restaurants, bars, and cafés drawing crowds, and there are plans to have a cable car that will go up to the highest point in the city, Mount Wellington/Kunanyi.

Final Thought on Hobart Accommodation

Some old “tales” people might not believe because they are so old. Maybe some of the facts changed a bit over the years, but the gist is based on truth and is engaging.

Tiered cascade brewery in Hobart near the Hobart Hotel
  • Beer: The first brewery ever in Australia is in Hobart. The founder was a convict by the name of Peter Degraves. The Cascade Brewery produces beer and has since 1832.
  • “The Roaring Forties”: These robust winds from the west are responsible for carrying what is the cleanest air in Australia across the Southern Ocean to the state of Tasmania.

The Word is that you will find “the cleanest air on the entire planet” on Cape Grim Peninsula, which is in the state’s northwestern part. The water in Hobart is also among the purest you will find.

Many tourists who visit any part of Australia but incredibly quaint areas like Tasmania or specifically Hobart have a difficult time leaving, with some tourists choosing to stay much longer and others opting to move to the country ultimately. Open to learning about Hobart living.

Some of us only have the privilege of seeing this Hobart accommodation beauty in pictures and videos. Even these depictions show Australia other experiences than any other place in the world.

Genuinely, if you want to break out from the stress and chaos that comes with day-to-day, the simplicity, and calm of life in the outback seem to add up to the optimum holiday getaway.

*This is a contributed post, all images are owned by jetsetandforget, and pixabay.com

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Gina is the founder of Jet Set and Forget. She is a licensed tour guide and fitness professional who has traveled to over 15 countries since 2010. Gina left her position as a COO in 2023 to travel full time. She is on a mission to help people travel stress free!
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