These are my favorite six books that helped me to change career paths and hopefully, they will help you quit your job and travel the world!

For most of my adult life, I traveled when my corporate job allowed me to. Two non-consecutive weeks a year were given to me and one week was usually spent at home and the second at an all-inclusive resort.
Most of us choose an all-inclusive resort for vacation as they do not require us to think. All year long we must think about the pressures of our jobs and family life. The last thing anyone wants to do is plan a vacation with the small amount of time we have been given.
It wasn’t until I was invited to a wedding in Germany that my travel bug surfaced.
Traveling to Munich opened my eyes to a world of possibilities that did not include endless margaritas on the beach.
Once I returned to the States I began to google things like “how to travel long term” and a flood of information hit my screen. Three years later I quit my corporate career and put the wheels in motion to travel full time.
These 7 sources will leave you truly knowing that it is possible to quit your job and travel the world sooner than you think.

How to Travel the World on $50 a Day
This book by Nomadic Matt is the perfect book to read if you want to travel but you have no money saved. Matt’s book explains each step in detail and gives you all the travel hacks you may need to complete your first long-term travel. He explains how much he saved to travel for a year, and gives you multiple options for accommodations and how to save money on food.
This writer is also the one who created the blogging course I took to create this blog and helped me quit my job and travel.
The Savvy Backpacker’s Guide to Europe on a Budget
As an American, I felt that traveling to Europe for my first long-term travel would be the easiest transition for me. European hostels have all the Western amenities I am used to, and in most of the countries, the people speak English.
This book gives you advice on trip planning, hostels and hotels, transportation, and more. They even include a complete packing list. Even though it was released in 2015, I still use it today for my travels as the information is evergreen.
International House Sitting: How To Travel The World And Stay Anywhere
An easy-to-read book on your Kindle or NOOK, this house-sitting book walks you through the application process, what to expect when house-sitting, and how to get as many house-sits as possible.
Nat Smith and Jodie Thompson even give you access to resources on how to create your perfect portfolio, so renters want to pick you over someone else to stay in their home rent-free.

Zero to Travel Podcast
This podcast will inspire you to leave your 9-5 job and travel the world on your terms. The host Jason talks about finding jobs abroad, traveling on a budget, and other advice. Jason always throws in real-life examples on each podcast and makes each show relatable.
Extra Pack of Peanuts Podcast
In this podcast the host Travis interviews travelers, bloggers, and entrepreneurs to find out how to travel on a budget while also working. He always opens with a reader’s question or comments and you can tell he fosters a strong community.
This podcast taught me about sites like Upwork, remote work, what a digital nomad was, and how people made money living abroad.
Location Indie Podcast
This is the brainchild of Jason from Zero to Travel and Travis from Extra Pack of Peanuts. After realizing there was a need for a platform for the future digital nomads of the world to discuss their businesses and grow together, they decided to start Location Indie.
If you have a side hustle and want to learn how to grow that business this is the podcast for you. Or maybe you are already traveling but need some more direction on how to generate revenue. This podcast will bring you together with a community of people who aspire to travel and work remotely.
The World Nomad Podcast
Brought to you by travel experts Kim Napier and Phil Sylvester, this duo dives deeper into lesser-known places to visit. They put a spotlight on places you may have not thought of traveling to, and also find ways to avoid the classic “tourist” traps.
They talk with locals, provide fun quizzes and overall just keep you entertained throughout the podcast.
If you are still torn on whether you should quit your job and travel or not, this podcast will be sure to inspire you to pack your bags!

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